Friday, February 8, 2008

Christians Wrong About Heaven, Says Bishop

The title of my post comes from a TIME article that discusses Heaven with an Anglican Bishop. This is an awesome article from TIME that begins to agree with many beliefs that we as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have always held to be true.

  • "Period between death and the resurrection of the dead" (Alma 6:6)
  • "Both that, and the idea of bodily resurrection that people deny when they talk about their 'souls going to Heaven.'" i.e. we will have a physical body after this life. (D&C 88:15-16)
  • "In Revelation and Paul's letters we are told that God's people will actually be running the new world on God's behalf."
  • "If people think 'my physical body doesn't matter very much,' then who cares what I do with it? (1 Cor 6:19-20)
  • "What the New Testament really says is God wants you to be a renewed human being helping him to renew his creation, and his resurrection was the opening bell. And when he returns to fulfill the plan, you won't be going up there to him, he'll be coming down here." (Article of Faith 10)
  • "And in almost all cases, when I've explained this to people, there's a sense of excitement and a sense of, 'Why haven't we been told this before?'" (D&C 50:14, John 8:32)
This is still a draft, but I wanted to get it posted (I have many drafts that have not been posted) while the article is still new. If you have suggestions on different scriptural quotes, please leave a comment and I'll change the scriptural references to ones that more clearly and fully elaborate on the point.

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